I have no idea what you were taught in drivers training. Maybe it has been too long since you were in drivers training. Maybe you need to take a refresher course.
If you do not already know the rules...the right lane on any major road/highway is the SLOW LANE. The left lane is there for me and my big black minivan to smoke you in. I take on sports cars, I can surely pass you in your Kia.
Please also take note that if you are in a car tagged with PA license plates* and you keep driving in my lane? You will unleash a whole new brand of pissed of mom in the big black minivan. I will flash my lights at you. When I do get passed you (and YOU KNOW I will) I will flip you the bird and yell. My kids think it's funny and they are used to it. In fact, my 5 year old knows how to drive better than you and will yell at you from the third seat.
Please take note of the picture above and memorize it. Put it in black and beware if you see this tailgating you. I will not apologize. I promise.
*The PA remark is not a slam against every PA driver - I'm sure most of them are fine. The ones that I see down here on vacation? Blocking the way to my island? Not ok. especially NOT ok when they are in the wrong lane.
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