Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Hubs

Today is my hubs birthday. He's 42 now. And I like that about him...since I'm going to be 35 in July it's nice to know that he's always going to be older (yes I really feel like that - I'm sick).

So, for the past week I have been catering to his every wish and desire (and I actually mean that). We celebrate our birthdays for a week. We act like 5 year olds. I'm ok with this too, I think it keeps us young. If you can't look forward to your birthday and Christmas - what good is it? You know?

So there have been home made food treats, there have been small presents. There has been a surprise nearly every day. I'm actually proud that I did it every day. There was even a trip to the dairy queen for a blizzard (I got in on that treat).

The big present is a present we are splitting for both of our birthdays. We are getting an ipad. Exciting times. We might actually be catching up to the rest of the world in technology.

All of this is good. All of this makes for a great week and a great birthday for him. It makes me happy (honestly - no bull shitting here today) that he's happy. I want him to feel special. After having 3 kids pretty close together - I need him to know that he's important you know? I'm starting my summer schedule this week, and we don't see a ton of each other so I need him to have a good birthday.

here's the bitch.

He invited his mother over. AUGH. I was supposed to work tonight, but got a friend to pick up the shift for me so I could celebrate his birthday. He invited his mother before he knew I was doing that. So now I get to spend a friggen evening with my in-laws.


Yes, I sound dramatic. But his mother drives me up one wall and down another. And in case she is not enough to make my evening super pleasant...she lives with hubs sister and so hubs sister and probably her teenage son are coming too. I'm crossing my fingers that her husband doesn't come. And I'm not joking.

Hubs brother? love him. He's adorable and sweet. His wife? I can take. We're not going to be best of friends, but she is amazing to my kids and can come over and we'll have a good time you know?

The rest of them? Can suck it.

Here's an example of how I get talked to - and yes this will sound petty, but add it up for 10 years and maybe you'll get me.

We had hubs brother and wife over for dinner and we told hubs mom. I made the comment that hubs brother likes my cooking (which he does cause he has good taste). Hubs mother said "Oh he'll eat anything". Yeah bitch? Did I hear that right?

Nothing I have ever done or said is up to her standards (which is hysterical if you met the rest of the family). I just wish she'd cut me some slack.

2 years ago for Christmas she for some reason gave me and hubs cash for our gift (not complaining but she is really into Christmas like we are...so cash was like what? I would never do that...oh well). Well, guess what. Hubs literally got twice as much as me.


My parents bend over backwards to make sure they spend the same (like my mom will get twitchy about $5 over on someone) on every person - including in-laws. My MIL thinks it's ok to very blatantly give me less. I knew she spent less, but wow. When you're giving cash...you really should spend the same.

This year? She gave me a christmas candle from K-mart (tag on it said $9.99 but I'm guessing sale). And she also gave me 3 generic ornaments that had my sons name written on. Not only were the written on with a marker but they were like this "son1" in quotation marks.

Yup, probably sound petty again. You can spend $5 on me. As long as you spent some time going I bet Heather would really like this. (meaning you would get me $5 worth of coffee, or a book, or something). How not to shop for me? At the dollar store, or picking up random crap that someone either gave you or you got on clearance and said - yeah she won't ever know. (I know I'm not as slow as I appear).

So wow bitter today;) Here's to wishing hubs and happy birthday and to me being able to keep my fat mouth shut (oh lord).


  1. Good luck with the inlaws!
    BTW, we are practaly twins, I turn 35 in June.

  2. Happy Birthday Heidi:) What day?

    I survived the inlaws...although I had plenty to say when they left!
