I grew up in the John Hughes Midwest. My husband died laughing when I took him to my parents house for the first time. He said he thought that Molly would come bouncing out of a house at any moment.
I spent years devoted to stores like Claires, The Closet (anyone else remember that store?), The Limited, I.D., and Express. I roamed the mall hoping to find something new and something cheap on my limited babysitting budget. I would always get a Mountain Dew somewhere. Cruise around looking for boys. It was a junior high schooler's heaven.
Flash forward 20 years. I am an internet shopper. I order almost all of my clothes, almost all of the boys clothes. Our UPS guy knows me. When our dog was still alive, he brought bones for the doggie cause he knew our house. We currently live about an hour away from the closest mall, and I thought that was my reason for so much internet shopping.
No. That is not why.
I and the three boys and the husband went to the mall on Saturday. Heaven help me. It was horrible.
Oldest son has decided to have a huge growth spurt and has been sporting high waters for a while now. It's shameful. So...he needed some new clothes. Given the fact that he's a string bean...I wanted him to try some pants on. We thought "Oh we'll go to the mall".
We drove up to Philly to look at furniture at Ikea (LOVE) and then hit a mall maybe too close to Philly on our way home.
There were almost no parking spaces (first sign I should have left and gone home). We get in and there are people everywhere. I mean Sears was busy for pete's sake.
I go into Children's Place. Sweet chicken. Women everywhere. Kids running around like wild indians. Tried pants on the big one. Went to get in line. Thankfully husband took kids out of the tiny store.
A woman in front of me was disappointed that she couldn't double coupons and children's place cash (or whatever it is called) and she is yelling at the store associates. Because it must be them who is setting the store policy's. A woman cuts in line and (this did make me mad) the sales person helped her and let her check out (we were in line for like 15-20 minutes).
I do not need to venture to the mall anytime soon. People are crazy. There were 5 in our party. 1 double stroller, 3 walking. I got cut off by people, people who would push us out of their way to get in front of us (you know you have to hurry to get to the sales).
This girl is warming up the computer...apparently people like me should ONLY internet shop
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