Monday, April 11, 2011


I am constantly thinking in my head of what I can blog about the next day. I try to keep the topics varied so I don't bore anyone including myself. I have tried to not make this a strict mommy blog talking only about my kids (those are fine but not what I'm trying to write).

I sometimes dip into politics, I love talking about reality tv, I will comment about mommy life, I like talking about weight loss and listening for ideas, and sometimes my kids do get into here.

Thinking of a topic for today I was somewhat stumped. I thought maybe I'd do one on the baking that I've done recently (outdid myself this week-end with a huge layer cake in the colors of the rainbow *Pats self on back*) but meh. It didn't feel so exciting.

Then I got an idea that pointed out to me in no uncertain terms that I have become super boring and old. Want to know what it was?

I was considering writing about the cleaning I've been doing and how I have discovered the joys of cleaning with vinegar and baking soda through out the house.

Yes you read that correctly. I was truly going to come here and post about vinegar and baking soda.

What the hell happened to me? I was KNOWN for being a rock star. I have proudly drank many men under the table and walked out without stumbling once. I am known for telling crazy stories and hanging out WAY to late. Hell I've even been known to go on a ghost hunt or two with camera's to catch the evidence!

Now I apparently think I should be known for cleaning? *which is partly hysterical considering I don't do as much of it as I should.* I don't mind being known for baking things *cause I consider that a challenge worth of pride*, but seriously baking soda and vinegar?

I used to drive a convertible. When I was living in MI I bought a Sebring. I was smoking hot. I had lost weight, looked awesome (if I do say so myself), and drove with my top down when ever possible. In MI I would get looks everywhere I went. When I moved to NJ I learned that no matter how much fun a Chrysler convert. is not as awesome as a Mercedes. But...I still had fun.

When the Sebring died it's LONG, EXPENSIVE and PAINFUL death, I bought a little Jetta. I didn't mind. She was so cute. And she was a stick, so she was a fun little car to drive.

Then it happened. I bought a minivan. People don't look at me like I'm cool. They look at me like I'm a mom. When I'm driving without kids I have the windows down and Eminem blaring. I don't get looks like "oh look at that hottie listening to some awesome music" I get the "why the hell is that old lady listening to Eminem?"

*banging head on my keyboard*

I have done it. I'm old and boring. It's horrible. And what's even more horrible is that I JUST REALIZED IT. How long have I been hanging out and thinking I was cool and well...not?

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