Thursday, April 7, 2011

Extreme Couponing on TLC

So you all know that I'm a reality show freak. I watch them. I think that I watch almost all reality and no "real" shows. And most of you know that I'm a crazy coupon lady. I love getting a deal. I high five myself and squeal with delight. I try to tell my husband the excitement of a good deal - but he really gets bored listening to my triumphs at the store.

So when I heard that there was a new series on TLC about couponing I got excited. Finally a show I can get into and relate to.

Ummm NO. Get serious. These people represent the average crazy couponer as much as the Real Housewives represent real housewives. Don't get me wrong. I'll tune in every week, but only to rip them to shreds. These people are ridiculous.

So last night we watched a woman buy 77 friggen bottles of mustard. Who the hell uses 77 bottles of mustard? In a year? In a lifetime? I don't care how much you like the stuff (and I do like mustard) but 77 bottles? Coupons come out for mustard ALL THE TIME. It's not like it is a deal that is going to go away and never come back. On top of that? She still paid $.39 for mustard. Ha ha ha bitch - I've gotten mustard for free. *pats self on back*

Then we got to go into some of these crazy bitches houses. Who in their right effing mind has toilet paper stored under their kids beds? Are you serious? I mean...believe me there is stuff crammed under the oldest bed and well...under the crib. but it's stuff that belongs to them (i.e. clothes for the next season, toys) but it's not TOILET PAPER. If you have enough toilet paper to last you and your family 3 years? ENOUGH Stop it. If you have a shelf full of food in your bedroom? that's a problem. If your closet is holding half clothes, half cereal? I think you don't need to shop this week.

Let's talk about the check out lines. What cashier would let you do 18 separate orders if you were not on TV? I admit it - I have done 2 or maybe 3 (when Target gives their $5 gift cards I'll do those items first and use the gift card on my other stuff) but 18? She was checking out for over 1 hour. She's a bitch. That's just mean.

I get agitated when a cashier gives you the eye roll about coupons or whatever. I do I admit it. I don't think it's that tricky to ring in my coupons. And the other night I held up the line at walmart for a $1.00 coupon. But their scanner was wrong and I bought the items and I ended up getting the $1.00. I was embarrassed to do it but I did it.

I would not EVER attempt to do 18 orders. To be in line for an hour. To monopolize the cashiers time like that. That's insane, rude, and a whole bunch of other crazy.

And, can I ask you this...what store would take 77 coupons that are identical? I'm pretty sure that my store locally will only do 4 of a like coupon. Maybe I'm wrong and you can do this crazy shit at other stores, but 77? no. That's INSANE.

No wonder I get eye rolls when I say I'm a couponer. Is this what America thinks we all do?

I have to say I have a stock pile. I do. Right now I have an abundance of cereal. I bought each box for $1 or less. But I'm not going to buy cereal for a LONG LONG time. I have passed several deals up cause I don't need it.

These women have issues. Big ones.


  1. I watched it and I had the same thoughts... they are just organized hoarders. It was kind of funny that the hoarding show was on after it.

  2. ha - it was perfect that is was on after! Yeah...definitely think that they are organized hoarders. And there has to be some sort of disorder that these women have. The amount of stuff! 50 bags of potato chips? WHY do you need 50 bags of chips for 2 people? YOU DON'T!
