Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It's a sad state of affairs

My house is ridiculous right now.

We went on a shopping spree. At Ikea. Which is an AWESOME idea, except that now I have boxes EVERYWHERE full of furniture just waiting for me to put together.

Thing 2 now has a big boy bed (and yes, said big boy bed was the cause of a bloody nose the first night he had it cause thing 2 things he's superman and jumped out of his bed and landed on something). He also has a trundle bed under the big boy bed. All completely put together.

We have a new bed *sigh* not even started. And a dresser not even started.

I'm scared.

On top of that, is it spring? Is it winter? Who knows? The clothes are EVERYWHERE. I mean it too. There is a pile of new kid clothes on my floor (in my upstairs room when they live downstairs) right now. There are some in a hall way. There are some in the garage. There are some in their room. There are some in the laundry room. Lord help me.

I am not a spotless clean person by any means (I am serious. My house is never spotless...maybe 1 room will be but that is the.end.). But even I am starting to get claustrophobic at all the crap that is scattered throughout my house. The clothes having no home. The amount of work that it is going to take to get all of it together.

I want a maid who does this shit for me.


  1. A maid would be great! Even better.... a magic wand! (then you wouldn't have to pay a maid!)

  2. I need something! lol I would even settle for a nanny so I could actually get something accomplished! rofl :)
