Monday, May 2, 2011

Ridiculous posting

I am a rabid fan of sites like Lamebook, Passive Aggressive Notes, Baby Center Fails , and STFU Parents. I love reading about how crazy people can post on facebook, how dumb they are in notes, what they will say about their parenting skills or lack there of...and I'm also secretly afraid that I will find myself on there one day. So I check them religiously to make sure that I am not listed! Even the Mommy's from Rants from Mommyland have gotten in on the act. And I'm with them.

I love Facebook in general. Let's get serious. I have a lot of fun on there. I live far away from most of my friends and family, so I get to catch up on there on what's going on in their lives. Part 2 is that during the day it's usually my only real connection with adults - that and reading/writing/commenting on blogs. Yes I lead a very thrilling and exciting life.

Here's what I don't love. Ridiculous posts. And for the most part, none of the ones that I have seen will show up on one of the crazy blogs...but the posts are enough to send me personally over the edge.

My facebook friends that are reading this are going to think that this is all about the Osama posts that I am protesting today. That is the final nail in the coffin for me, but it is not all of what I'm talking about.

I am more protesting the passive aggressive posts with this blog. A family member posted today "OMG SOME PEOPLE HAVE NO CLUE" on her facebook with all caps. This family member is mid to upper 40's and is yelling at people on facebook. More to the point, I think she is yelling at me:)

I had the nerve today to make a joke *gasp* that it took a Democrat to get the job done. and then I put in the same post that is was a JOKE:) Apparently she doesn't like my humor. That's ok. Not everyone gets me and my sick jokes. But wow. The drama of me having an opinion (even if it was a joking opinion) that differs from someone. The horror.

Or, I have had numerous posts that I have read that say similar thing, "oh people are so annoying" leaving all of your facebook friends to wonder if you are talking about them. Or "people piss me off on facebook". And I have been guilty of doing it myself...but I know I'm being passive aggressive and do it on purpose (I'm not an angel - I am a bitch remember?).

Sometimes I feel like being on Facebook downgrades us to acting like junior high kids.

I'm on a Facebook group that is super secret and private:) It's a mommy group. I actually have someone in the super secret private group that has blocked me from reading her posts IN the super secret private group. I have to say if you hate me that much, why are you still there? (I'm somewhat "loud" in the group so it's not like you're escaping me...I also have friends in the group that will tell me what I missed).

*sigh* I may miss the good old days before facebook, I'm not sure yet though.


  1. I didn't even know you could do that! Is there a way to like, do the opposite and block myself from seeing certain people's posts? That would be awesome. :)

  2. YES! I have blocked myself from seeing many posters...I don't know how you do it on a super secret group like ours...but...on "real" facebook you can click on that person's posts (somewhere) and hit block. Don't remember exactly how to do it - but it has saved me from unfriending people that I don't want to be mean to but I can't read how horrible Obama is anymore...
